Our purpose with MILO (Motivational Interviewing in Leadership and Organizations) is to generate broaderawareness of how Motivational Interviewing (and other approaches that build on similar core values) can have a positive effect on the work environment today... and in the future.
Through the MILO community we hope to share ideas, knowledge, and experience around Motivational Interviewing in Leadership and Organizations and thereby provide professionals around the world with pioneering insights and best practices to help lead themselves and their organizations more effectively and to make a positive impact.
Motivational Interviewing “Motivational Interviewing is a collaborative, goal-oriented method of communication with particular attention to the language of change. It is intended to strengthen personal motivation for and commitment to a change goal by eliciting and exploring an individual’s own arguments for change.” William R. Miller & Stephen Rollnick, 2010
MILO, our story
MILO has been in the works in some ways for over ten years. One of our co-founders, Greg, started a doctoral program in leadership studies in 2011, with a plan for dissertation work on MI and leadership. In 2012, the founders of motivational interviewing, Bill Miller and Steve Rollnick, wrote the third edition of their foundational book, Motivational interviewing: Helping people change. In this book, Bill Miller talked about the connection of MI and leaders and organizations. One of our co-founders, Pernille, published a book, in Danish with a colleague, on MI and Leadership in 2013. Pernille also conducted a MINT forum on MI and leadership in Fort Wayne, Indiana in 2014. A few other MINT members had conducted several forum workshops on this topic. In October 2015, Jillian made contact with several others, including Pernille, Fredrik, and Greg after speaking with Bill Miller about interest in MI and leadership and organizations. Jillian, along with a colleague at the University of New Mexico, started a virtual monthly meeting with others interested in this topic in late 2015.
(MINT Forum 2016, Montreal, Canada ( left to right - Pernille, Peter, Greg, Fredrik, William R. Miller, Patrick, Rob)
In 2017, several MINT members published a book titled MI-LEAD. In June 2017, several presentations at the International Conference on Motivational Interviewing (ICMI) were focused on using MI in a leadership and organizational context. In October, 2017, Pernille, Greg, and Fredrik had an initial planning session in Copenhagen, Denmark for what would become MILO. This session included a sit down interview with Bill Miller in Middlefart, Denmark on some of the concepts of MILO. These sessions were video-taped, and segments of that interview are available on this website.
MILO Beginnings – Middlefart, Denmark – October 11, 2017 (left to right, Fredrik, William R. Miller, Pernille, and Greg)
In early 2018, Fredrik, Pernille, Greg, and Jillian decided to launch this web based platform MILO, Motivational Interviewing in Leadership and Organizations. We are excited about launching this platform in order to connect like-minded individuals to the concepts of further utilizing motivational interviewing to enhance the effectiveness of leaders and organizations. In 2021, MILO broadened to include the thinking of the authors of MI for Leadership in Helping Organizations and the authors of MI-LEAD and became an official non-profit organization.